My Methodology

The Windtalker Method

Psychic Clarity

The future is yet to be written, but in the same way that what happened to you yesterday had some effect on today, then naturally what’s happening today will have some effect on tomorrow. I focus a lot more on the deeper causative factors instead of past and future aspects in a reading.

The past has already happened and we can learn a lot from it. The future is yet to happen and we can still shape it. So, I focus on the here and now and the things that are happening in the background as well as potentially hidden causative factors. From that stand point and place of perspective, we can influence change.

Whether you are looking for answers or clarity regarding a certain issue or situation, or if you wanted to see what the next few months have to offer, a Clarity session will help.

Maybe you want to go deep into better understanding a relationship between you and someone or maybe you want to see what to expect for the upcoming year, a Clarity session will help.

Maybe you want to identify obstacles and avoid pitfalls, or find the path of least resistance, a Clarity session will help.

What you can expect

We can spend our time together in one of two ways.

Option One: An open and general approach where we get see what naturally comes up from the divination system. This is always exciting as we inevitably get to flex the psychic muscles and expand our perception of the situations at hand.

Option Two: We can be more specific. Maybe you find yourself at a crossroads with potential options with unknown outcomes and you would like some clarity on that. Or maybe you’d like to dive deep into a relationship and figure out all the details, influences and hidden intentions. Or maybe you’re seeking some validation on a few concepts and ideas that you have. Whatever the specifics are, we can always find a way to bring more clarity to the situation.

Energy Medicine

The basis of everything is energy; by affecting healing on an energetic level, we can affect the manifestation of that healing on the physical level, as well as mental, emotional, psychological, and even spiritual.

I define healing as the art of bringing things back into harmony and balance, allowing for the smooth flow of vital life-force (prana/Qi). Healing, as a state, is the product of removing that which doesn’t serve our highest good and then placing ourselves in a state of harmony and balance.

True healing, takes place on multiple levels, not just physical, and includes mental, emotional, psychological, and even spiritual well-being. By healing and aligning all of these parts we can achieve a greater state of harmony and a deeper state of healing and well-being.

For me, a healer is a person who can manipulate such energies and allow them to flow smoothly after removing the obstructions and then treating the affected part or area.

Dis-ease occurs when the energies and function of our being are not out of balance and behaving in a non-harmonious way. There can be multiple factors for this such as weaknesses and deficiencies in our system that simply can’t hold or keep up with the demands put on the body, or due to excessive or blocked energies which stop the smooth flow of the right type and amount of vital life-force in our system. Such disorders can also have multiple causative factors such as the state of our mind, our psychology, emotions, lifestyle, environment, etc.

Commonly seen benefits of energy medicine include:

  • Improvement in mood and emotional well-being.

  • Stress reduction and Increased relaxation.

  • Improved pain management.

  • Better sleep.

  • Lower blood pressure.

  • Improved anxiety management.

What you can expect

Healing sessions are usually done on a massage table (or a chair in some cases) where I will use the tools of energy medicine such as hands-on light touch, placement of crystals, and addressing the aura and energy bodies.

Your first session will start with a conversation about your health goal-setting and what it is you would like to achieve. This is followed by a full intake (physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual) which we’ll discuss and use as a guide and tracker to your over-all health development.

In my sessions, I utilize the different healing arts that I have learned in a synergistic and smooth way. The tools I use are Reiki, Crystal and Vibrational Therapy, Core Shamanism, Medical Qi Gong, acupressure and certain tools from Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Healing and Self-Realization is a process, and such things take time and dedication. The work we do together will involve my instructions and your participation. You can expect several “aha” moments, along with several mental, emotional, and psychological releases that will inevitably change the way you see and interact with the world and the way you see and interact with yourself.

I utilize my training in life-coaching and teaching as well as my studies in Core Shamanism, Reiki, Meditation, Hermeticism and Buddhism in these tailored private sessions to guide you and help you build a spiritual practice that is specific to you and your journey.

During our initial session we will start with a conversation to see where you are and take a closer look at what you want, along with what your vocation and Life’s-purpose is and then take it from there.

What happens next is different with each person. But you can guarantee some homework exercises that will make you feel more empowered and in control.

What you can expect

Life can be messy at times, and human interactions aren’t always kind. Because our feelings of guilt, shame, and fear can sometimes be so deeply rooted; we feel we have fallen victim to them, their effects, and to the people and situations who elicited those feelings.

When we grow up without processing those feelings in a healthy way, they act like poisons and we suffer and become resentful. We become traumatized by the emotions and the situations associated to those emotions. Whenever that emotion is triggered, it reminds us of those who made us feel “less-than” and “unworthy”. And vice-versa, whenever we are reminded of those people our victimized emotions come up. A vicious cycle.

It is the resultant feelings of resentment, along with the illusory yet actively running programs of not feeling “enough” or “worthy” that occupy our heart and mind and hold us from releasing the past, fearing our future, and forgetting to live in the now.

A good metaphor is that we are like a hot-air balloon. The balloon wants to take flight and explore and be. All the affirmations, meditations, and positive thinking we do can be represented as inflating the balloon with hot air. But sometimes that balloon can’t rise high, or even successfully take off in certain situations (those moments where we feel stuck, lost, or helpless). Upon inspection we find that we have been too busy inflating the balloon that we forgot about the sandbags that hold it down.

My methods are there to not only help you inflate the balloon successfully, but to also help you identify and remove your sandbags by taking back your sovereignty and agency in controlling your life.

I use and reference a lot from the teachings and texts that have helped me get to where I am now. Such teachings include the Yoga Sutras, The Bhagavad Gita, The Kybalion and Hermetic Principals, and more.

In the Windtalker Method: we start the work with the tools of meditation to gain a sense of empowerment, peace and awareness. Next, we identify and tackle the things that are weighing us down, impeding on our rise to Self-Realization. And from there learn how to begin removing them by the roots.

The next stages will differ from one person to the other, based on individual situations, wants and needs. They usually involve practices that help in recognizing and coming back in touch with WHO you truly are and how to live and operate from that perspective. Figuring out, or dare I say “remembering”, your Soul’s Purpose and living a life while holding awareness from that Higher perspective.