Year-Long Class & Training in Turning the Wheel of the Year

In this year-long class, go deeper into the soul and spirit-world through the Turning of the Wheel of the Year. Examine specific mystical teachings involving the approach towards the Wheel found in the Temple of Witchcraft Tradition, yet adaptable and inspiring for your own personal practice and traditions.

Learn more about the annual journey of the Goddess and God of the Wheel as they shift their forms from Mother and Child to Lovers, Monarchs, Sacrifice and Mourner and Hidden Ones. Work with some of the Sabbatic deities most often associated with the Holidays – Brid, Ostara, Bel, Lugh, Mabon, Modron, Morrighan and Dagda.

Survey how modern Neo-Pagan groups reclaim and modernize old lore, while delving into traditional folk customs. work with the sacred mysteries of the Earth Keepers by Root, Stem, Leaf, Bud, Blossom, Flower, Fruit and Seed, rising from the ever-present stillness of the Darkness and fluctuating Light.

Learn the blessings of regeneration and rest, awakening and planning, work and play, reaping and release. As well as the spiritual ministerial codes associated with each holiday.

Expand your understanding of the two-fold God; as Oak and Holly King, invoking the eightfold division of the four horned gods and the four agricultural gods.

We’ll explain and work with the astrological patterns beneath the Wheel, and study ways on how to celebrate alone or in groups through ritual, vision working, song, dance, seasonal food and lore. Make potions and incense blends to help you celebrate and attune to the energies.

Explore the Straight Road of the sacred priest Kings and Queens from the Three Rays of Witchcraft, responsible for the balance between the Heavens, Earth and Underworld, mediating the energies as the wheel turns. Hold the center and walk the spiral path as we turn the seasons to grow in power, love and wisdom and become one with the lineage of the Earth Keeper ancestors.

This in-person year long class will be held at Triple Spiral’s Metaphysical Classroom, 3 Fan Tan Alley, Victoria BC. on the first Tuesday of every month, with one exception due to Canadian Stat Holiday. All classes will take place from 7pm to 9pm.

Course includes:

  • 12 lessons (8 Sabbat Lessons and Four Knowledge Classes).

  • Detailed Teaching notes in a Book of Shadows style format.

  • Incense and potion recipes for Celebrating the Holidays.

  • Information on conducting and holding energies in Ritual

  • Opportunities to participate as a Ritualist in Public Rituals at our public Sabbats in Victoria BC

  • Opportunity to join the Temple of Witchcraft as a General Member after attending 3 public Sabbats.

Lesson 1: November 5th – Overview of Core Concepts: Myth & Ritual
Lesson 2: December 3rd – Yule: Blessed Be The Light Has Come
Lesson 3: January 7th – Deities of the Wheel: Traditional & New Mythos
Lesson 4: February 4th – Imbolc: Fire in the Belly
Lesson 5: March 4th – Ostara: Coming of the Dawn
Lesson 6: April 1st– The Sovereign’s Path: Opening the Gates
Lesson 7: May 6th – Beltane: Summer is Coming In
Lesson 8: June 3rd – Litha: If We Shadows Have Offended
Lesson 9: July 8th– Sacred Calendars: Earth, Sun and Stars
Lesson 10: August 5th – Lammas: The King is Dead, All Hail the King
Lesson 11: Sept 2nd– Mabon: Son of Modron?
Lesson 12: October 7th – Samhain: What is Remembered Lives

This is an in-person magick class, open only to students registered for the course, held in downtown Victoria BC.

We can ONLY fit 8 students in this class so please register sooner rather than later to secure your spot.

Tuition for the 12-month, (12 classes) is
$330 CAD per student.