energy medicine

The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
— Rumi

My Energy Medicine sessions are a practice of inviting healing and balance to your body, mind, heart, and soul.

Dis-ease can have physical, mental, emotional, or psychological manifestations. With Energy Medicine we can change the blueprint of the ailment and create a renewed state of harmony in our being.

I utilize healing techniques such as Reiki, crystal and vibrational therapies, Pranic Healing, Core Shamanism, as well as certain tools from Traditional Chinese Medicine like meridian therapy and Medical Qi Gong.

Let’s use Energy Medicine and release the multilayered manifestations of dis-ease from all layers and parts of your being, and come into a state of health, harmony and inner peace.

  • Complete relaxation & restoration.

    Healing sessions are usually done on a massage table (or a chair in some cases) where I will use the tools of energy medicine such as hands-on light touch, placement of crystals, and addressing the aura and energy bodies.

    Your first session will start with a conversation about your health goal-setting and what it is you would like to achieve. This is followed by a full intake (physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual) which we’ll discuss and use as a guide and tracker to your overall health development.

    In my sessions, I utilize the different healing arts that I have learned in a synergistic and intuitive way. The tools I use are Reiki, Crystal and Vibrational Therapy, Core Shamanism, Medical Qi Gong, acupressure and certain tools from Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    Commonly seen benefits of energy medicine include:

    • Improvement in mood and emotional well-being.

    • Stress reduction and Increased relaxation.

    • Improved pain management.

    • Better sleep.

    • Lower blood pressure.

    • Improved anxiety management.

Book Your ApPointment

My energy medicine sessions are held in an integrative medicine clinical space in Victoria, B.C. The treatments are done either on a massage table or on a chair.

In certain cases where your mobility might be an issue, personal visits at home can be arranged. Please contact me for more information.

“It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.”

— Brene Brown

What my clients say

“I’ve had several different treatment sessions with Mur but this was my first experience specifically with the Crystal Reiki Energy Medicine protocol. Mur was calm, pleasant, and professional as he thoroughly explained the service during our intake. after being invited to lay down on the crystal-infused far-infrared bio mat, I immediately started to relax from the soothing warm.

Mur then proceeded to place crystals in the palm of my hands and on certain chakra points on my body. He then commenced with the Reiki. All I can say is “WOW!” I went into such a peaceful, restful state that I fell into a deep sleep for a short period of the session.

This treatment’s protocol was was just so relaxing. I most definitely recommend this incredible service for relieving muscle tension and body aches, as well as inducing a more peaceful state of mind.

Thanks again Mur for this one of a kind, stand alone energy healing session. I was magic! ”

— Chad W.

“I’m not a stranger when it comes to reiki or energy work, and was open to exploring Mur’s combination of techniques using healing stones and crystals…

It was simply perfect!

Thank you so much Mur for sharing your healing magic with all of us.”